Tuesday, December 28, 2010
new hair
Posted by jojoa at Tuesday, December 28, 2010 0 comments
Friday, December 24, 2010
sorry that i loved you
Posted by jojoa at Friday, December 24, 2010 0 comments
Thursday, December 23, 2010
big fat eater
pics spammed
Posted by jojoa at Thursday, December 23, 2010 0 comments
picture tells us a story
Posted by jojoa at Thursday, December 23, 2010 0 comments
Thursday, December 16, 2010
thks ppl i am feeling better now and one crazy ass spam call mi for 3 times while i was sleeping and i shall told myself no fast food for a week.anyway gd luck to those taking their n lvl results tmr
Posted by jojoa at Thursday, December 16, 2010 0 comments

Posted by jojoa at Thursday, December 16, 2010 0 comments
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
pls stop that
recently there is a veg rice guy talked to mi and came to popular after work coz i almost brought veg rice for lunch and one day he asked for my no wtf and i got a bad feeling that he is gonna disturbed mi according to my colleague and i really need smeone to act as my bf. but then at least my colleague are gonna be my bodyguard for the time being.work i am a blur sotong nw but thk god i got such a understanding colleague and so sad some of them are resoh ya sun nite was freaking epic coz mi,bestie,xh,cat was laughing like some mad woman at the mrt station and we even make a yellow helmet guy some attention freaking disgusting man.today gonna head to tp for lunch
Posted by jojoa at Tuesday, December 14, 2010 0 comments
punk red 2010
Posted by jojoa at Tuesday, December 14, 2010 0 comments
Thursday, December 9, 2010
life and wishes
my life nw is great coz dun nid to face the books and my teachers faces
work is fine so far i really thk my awesome colleague for these past two weeks
o lvl result coming nxt mth i wonder how suck is gonna be that
poly?ite?is my future for me to create
my mum was telling mi abt relationship recently and she approves mi into a relationship which is alright
i want my pay to come now coz i nid to buy clothes,rebond hair,bring my family for a dinner,contact lens,camera
christmas is coming is there anything special for mi
2011 is coming and 2010 is a suck yr for mi coz of o lvl and sme other stuff
Posted by jojoa at Thursday, December 09, 2010 0 comments
at my crib
hey my best fren at my hse nw and we just nw play dressing and so fun man and it is also a great day spent to go during my off day and h2h talk and later goin meet my fave gals bb.
Posted by jojoa at Thursday, December 09, 2010 0 comments
woohoo tues spent town wif my kim jiawei and we met up kinda late afternoon.well actually i am planning to buy xmas stuff and end up eat bento at 313,korean fd street and specially went to ikea for a hot dog which i am crazy on that day.we went to topshop,313,fep and orchard central.we even met this mad man who talk to himself on that day while we dinning.
Posted by jojoa at Thursday, December 09, 2010 0 comments
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
dd bdae+rapunzel wif punk red
we torture her like siao
my zara gals and georgina whr is our eugene
Posted by jojoa at Tuesday, December 07, 2010 0 comments
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Yay dec is here and one yr is goin end soon. life is busy working at pop nw and i had been laughing recently wif my colleagues becoz of sme inside news.i wanna thk jiayi and Derrick for being my chatting fren over there during break time and aunt Linda,Mary,rose,Jess,ailing,priya,hua Jie who teach mi and so nice like my mum. I am nw doin my vry best to forget him coz we did say we are still frens forever for nw but then I really glad to know u through tp Rawks and was really shocked when you came down aft sch to see mi working for my 1st day just telling him I am bored.2nd my best fren came to look 4 mi like 2 str days coz I Noe u miss mi and troubled wif sch hope you can hear my advices.anyway today is my darling dd bdae and I love u dearest coz u love to treat mi and my study mate during o lvl and h2h talk mate and tp Rawks my best of the best fren over there.I hope u and mengteck can last forever coZ I forsee ur future between u and him.haiz today is her bdae and town wif my punk red and maybe join bk wif clique again?
Posted by jojoa at Saturday, December 04, 2010 0 comments