
Thursday, March 21, 2013


finally i bother to update this space because i am really lazy to do blogging nowadays but i am still active on instagram and twitter.so finally i am officially 20 for 17 days but just feel normal being a teenager for last year and can't wait to be 21 an young adult which i can do whatever i want. i am done with yr 1 in sch and gonna be prepared for a drop of gpa which i predicted.oh yes i left one more year to go and recently got the mindset of graduate faster maybe just bored of sch life waking up damn early and especially this sem forever late for sch,overslept,skip sch hopefully year 2 dun have this bad habit. recently had been working at bhg and my cycle is sleep work and sleep work repeat almost during this hol.this year planning to work weekend jobs to plan for a holiday trip after graduation,private sch fees which i planned to pay for myself and not of cause driving.